Since President Trump was not willing to change his rally date in October, our November meeting will feature Justice Bill Whitehill presiding Justice of the Fifth District Court of Appeals, which is the largest Court of Appeals in Texas serving Dallas, Collin, Grayson, Hunt and Rockwall counties. This court with the Chief Justice consists of 12 Justices and 34 staff attorneys, working to correctly decide cases with written opinions stating the court rulings and explaining the court reasoning. These decisions set precedents that lower courts must follow which potentially affect citizens throughout the state.
Justice Whitehill will discuss the judiciary which is often referred to as the Third Branch of Government. The Judicial Branch is independent of the Executive and Congressional Branches of government. The purpose for the Third Branch of Government is Judicial Review which is the authority to define what law is. Further, the Judicial Branch is the only branch of Federal Government with the responsibility of interpreting the U.S. Constitution. Justice Whitehill will identify and discuss the actions of this unique branch of government.
In addition we will be voting for our CCRMC Officers for 2020. The suggested slate of officers is:
President, Ravi Jain
President Elect, John Myers
VP Programs, David Niederkorn
Secretary, Steven Howell
Sr. VP Membership, Wendell Brock
VP Membership, Eric Noack
Newsletter and Communications, Alternate Eric Noack
Webmaster, Dalayr Hight
Treasurer, Tim McCord
Sergeant at Arms, Steven Howell
Immediate Past President, Richard Dodson
Plan to attend this educational meeting. Mark your calendar for Thursday, November 21. Meet and greet at 6:30 pm with the meeting beginning at 7:00 pm.
Light refreshments will be served.
Richard Dodson, President