April Meeting

Time: 6:30 PM Social 7:00 PM Meeting
Date: 18 Apr Thursday
Where: Collin Country GOP Headquarters
2963 W 15th St Suite #2981
Plano, TX 75075.

We are pleased to announce another outstanding program for the April Collin County Republican Men's Club meeting!

PS: One of our sister clubs; "Conner Harrington Republican Women" are pleased to announce we will be awarding a $1,000 college scholarship each to two Republican Collin County graduating high school ladies. All requirements and forms can be accessed on our website athttps://connerharrington.org/about-chrw/scholarships/All materials must be submitted no later than 11:59 pm, April 15, 2024!

Come join us on Thursday, April 18th, 2024 – Social 6:30 PM, Start 7:00 PM @ Collin County Republican HQ

Our speakers will be Plano City Council member Shelby Williams and Collin County Tax Assessor-Collector Republican nominee Scott Grigg. They will be presenting a condensed version of their Property Tax 101 Seminar, providing our members and guests with a basic overview of our local/Collin County property tax system including appealing property tax valuations. Shelby and Scott have held these types of seminars for six years so we know our attendees will come away with a wealth of very valuable and actionable tax information!

Shelby Williams is a current member of the Plano City Council and is also a candidate for Collin County Republican Party Chair. He has been a former precinct chair, two-time member of the Republican Party of Texas Legislative Priorities Committee, former Texas State Director for Convention of States, and was an alternate delegate for Donald Trump at the 2016 Republican National Convention. Shelby has long been active with the state legislature on behalf of property tax reform and other conservative legislation. He holds an MBA from UT Austin and enjoys a successful career in business technology.

Scott Grigg is a Certified Fraud Examiner with over 35 years of experience in finance, accounting, and audit. He is also the Republican nominee to be your next Tax Assessor-Collector. During his time at the Collin County Tax Assessor-Collector's Office, he spent over three years auditing the Office and over two years as its Financial Operation Manager. Since joining the Assessor-Collector's Office, he has earned the following certifications from the Texas Assessor Collector Association: Professional Deputy Assessor Collector (PDAC), Professional County Collector (PCC), and Certified Tax Office Professional (CTOP). Prior to joining the County, Scott worked in several multi-billion dollar corporations including Wal-Mart, Tyson Foods, Coca Cola Enterprises, and Aaron’s Lease to Own

Also: One of our sister clubs "Conner Harrington Republican Women" are pleased to announce they will be awarding a $1,000 college scholarship each to two Republican Collin County graduating high school ladies. All requirements and forms can be accessed on their website at connerharrington.org/about-chrw/scholarships

All materials must be submitted no later than 11:59 pm, April 15, 2024!


Need more information or have questions, please contact John Myers (CCRMC President) at: eric.noack@verizon.net!

Best regards,
John Myers
Collin County Republican Men's Club

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