Pam Little, who represents District 12 on The State Board of Education (SBOE), will be Collin County Republican Men’s Club (CCRMC) guest speaker on Thursday, February 21.
Mrs. Little, a Republican, was first elected to the State Board of Education in November 2018. Mrs. Little is a Member of the Committee on Instruction which establishes the curriculum and graduation requirements, curriculum implementation, library standards and many other responsibilities.
The SBOE priority goals and plans include recruit, support and retain qualified teachers and principals. The Board is constantly building a foundation of Reading and Math, connect High School to Career and College, and improving low performing schools.
Again, join us on Thursday, February 21, at Collin County Republican Headquarters at 6:30 pm for meet and greet with meeting beginning at 7:00pm. Light refreshments will be served.
Richard Dodson, President CCRMC