CCRMC Quarterly Board Meeting
January 08, 2020
Present: Ravi Jain, John Meyers, David Niederkorn, Wendell Brock, Eric Noack, Tim Mc Cord &
Stephen Howell
Thanks were expressed to Ravi for furnishing food for dinner
7:25pm Meeting called to order by Ravi with pledge of allegiance to both flags
Ravi proposed 3 more board meetings (to total 4 for the year to be held at CCRMC, unless
otherwise specified. Each will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of the first month of the
beginning of each quarter, commencing at or around 6:30pm. There were no objections.
Ravi brought-up membership & retention methods & they were discussed for 2020
Ravi introduced the subject of Recognizing Elected Officials & Candidates formalities & they
were discussed as follows:
Where each should fit within the framework of the monthly meetings
Specifically at what time to recognize? And, to allow the Elected Officials to speak, first;
followed by any/all candidates
An RSVP will be required from any & all who wish to be on the agenda
The club would like to see all be members, but it is not a requirement
Meeting sign-in simplified was discussed. Getting it down to one or 2 sheets was preferred.
Ravi, Wendell & Dalayr will work together on a format to translate the membership information
from our website into a spreadsheet
Ads on our website was discussed. Rate of $35/year.
Ravi proposed the possibility of running those same ads on the projector screen pre- &
post-meeting times.
David N. motioned & Wendell B. seconded. Passed without opposition
Ravi suggested a Meeting Agenda addition by suggesting we take time to recognize each new
member and possibly find out a little bit about them. There was no opposition
Ravi asked that the Secretary’s Report be shared with the membership at the next meeting by
reading it aloud. There was no opposition.
Ravi proposes an increase to the Membership Committee that we work to have a gain of 50
new or returning members by the December meeting, and in-time to announce them at the
Lincoln Day Dinner. He also proposed that the Membership Chair & Co-Chair be given a ticket
to the dinner for achieving this goal. There was no opposition
Ravi suggested to help with CCRMC expenses that we would seek donations for our monthly
meeting prizes from any businesses, family or friends which the board might know who would
be willing to contribute.
Ravi requested information as to the effectiveness of the Facebook live broadcasts, as well as
any ideas to make it even more effective, if possible? The current cost is $50/meeting. Ravi will
also discuss with Dalayr
1/8/2020 CCRMC Board Meeting
Ravi brought up the importance of two of our most important dates for club participation:
July 4th - Tim brought up that the Plano Lions Club will give us this year’s theme and
we’ll need to decide how the club wishes to present that on our float.
Neal Katz will help with guidance on flags this year
Lincoln Day - He shared that 5 tickets purchased would get us into the VIP area, 2 of
which he had already purchased, himself. So, we are looking for 3 more tickets to be
purchased. There will be a sign-up available at our next meeting. Also, Neal will be at the next
meeting and will need time to promote.
Club Newsletter – Ravi will get with Lynn Dodson about how she’s handled and make a decision
from that on how to distribute this year. He will also work with Eric to finalize and get-out
before meetings, as to remind everyone of such and also provide some news. Dalayr will also
be involved to assist.
Financial Report – Ravi asked for clarification on 2 different accounts - Bank account and a
PayPal account? Tim explained the PayPal account was necessary for the many who wished to
pay their membership dues ON-LINE.
John proposed the idea of a Q&A period for candidates at our meetings? Ravi clarified only for
those who were actively running for an office. David N. volunteered to contact them to come
and participate. Ravi suggested we limit this period by only allowing a couple of questions to
each. David will work on contacting any/all for next meeting.
Programs Report – David brought 2 possibilities of programs based on prior discussion
regarding Jails & Correctional Facilities. He will check on availability of those available to speak
to this subject. Discussion on timing and agreement to inform speakers they will have 20-25
minutes for their presentation.
8:45pm Adjourned