Big News
Tom Giovanetti to speak at our April meeting.
Tom Giovanetti is president of the Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI), a public policy research organization based in Dallas, Texas. Prior to joining IPI in 1992, Mr. Giovanetti was a freelance policy writer and the director of product development for a small manufacturing company in Dallas, where he designed several patented products and gained real-world experience in how taxes and regulations affect small business.
Mr. Giovanetti writes for IPI and for other publications on a wide variety of policy topics including tax reform, intellectual property, Social Security personal accounts, communications policy, Internet governance, education reform, the broadband revolution, and out-of-control government spending. In addition to being published in leading papers including the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, Investor's Business Daily and The Dallas Morning News, he also appears regularly on a number of radio and television programs.
Mr. Giovanetti represents IPI many national and international organizations, including the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), where IPI is an accredited NGO. IPI was also accredited as an observer organization with the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), where he argued against UN involvement with Internet governance, and with the UN's Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Mr. Giovanetti also participated during meetings of the World Health Organization's (WHO) Intergovernmental Working Group on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property, and represents IPI as a stakeholder during trade agreement negotiations such as the current Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
In addition to his writing and speaking, Mr. Giovanetti also testifies before state and federal legislative committees on a variety of topics, and is primarily responsible for fundraising and development for the Institute for Policy Innovation.
Mr Giovanetti well address how the new USMCA trade agreement enhances our nation in trade with Canada and Mexico, he will identify the benefits of this new trade agreement.
Some aspects of USMCA are:
- Expansion of American food and Agriculture products
- Fair treatment for wheat and other agriculture products
- Enhanced rules for science based sanitary measures
- New protections for proprietary formulas
Mr. Giovanetti will, also review what President Trump has done on trade, will be doing on trade and should be doing on trade.
Please join CCRMC on Thursday April 18
Light refreshments will be served.
Richard Dodson, President