CCRMC July Meeting

Time: 6:30 PM Social 7:00 PM Meeting
Date: 18 Jul Thursday
Where: Collin Country GOP Headquarters
2963 W 15th St Suite #2981
Plano, TX 75075.

We welcome Keresa Richardson to the CCRMC!

Keresa Richardson is the Republican nominee for Texas HD 61

She will be speaking on the

"Challenges and Opportunities in the next Texas legislative Session"

Keresa Richardson is an entrepreneur and conservative community leader. As CEO of the Lawton Group, Keresa, alongside her husband J.R., embarked on an entrepreneurial journey. They opened their first business 40 years ago from the ground up, starting with zero customers, and zero employees. She supports Republican Party of Texas legislative priorities including border enforcement, securing Texas elections, and other critical issues for Texans


Need more information or have questions, please contact John Myers (CCRMC President) at:!

Best regards,
John Myers
Collin County Republican Men's Club

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