CCRMC Janurary Meeting

Time: 6:30 PM Social 7:00 PM Meeting
Date: 16 Jan Thursday
Where: Collin Country GOP Headquarters
2963 W 15th St Suite #2981
Plano, TX 75075.

We welcome back Dr. Michael McConachie to the CCRMC!


Trump & His Second Term

Dr. McConachie will be speaking to us on "The Political Outlook for 2025 in Light of the Trump Presidency". Going into this second Trump term, this is sure to be a fascinating topic for our inaugural meeting of 2025!

A native-born Texan, Michael McConachie grew up in Dallas. After earning a Bachelor of Arts with Honors from the University of Texas at Austin, he earned a Master of Arts and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He also holds a Master of Divinity Degree from Brite Divinity School at TCU. Dr. McConachie has taught political science courses at four different four-year universities and, since 2004, has taught full-time at Collin College. He regularly teaches Federal and Texas government courses and some of his favorite topics are the U.S. Constitution, the American Presidency, civil liberties, and various Texas government topics. Dr. McConachie enjoys speaking to groups about these topics as well.

He is married to Cindy, who retired in June 2023 after twenty five years with the Richardson ISD as their Library Cataloguer. Their two children, daughter Amy and son David are married, and both live in the same new housing development in Willis, TX. While there are no grandchildren, there are four granddogs. In his spare time, Dr. McConachie enjoys reading fiction and non-fiction, traveling in the U.S., and following Longhorn football.


Need more information or have questions, please contact Eric Noack (CCRMC President) at:!

Best regards,
Eric Noack
Collin County Republican Men's Club

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