As President of Collin County Republican Men’s Club, I want to take this Thanksgiving holiday to count our many blessings; Family, Friends, Loved Ones, Country.  I sincerely believe these astonishing blessings are listed in the Bill of Rights.  For this Bill of Rights defines our individual relationship to the U.S. government under the constitution. The simplified version is as follows:



Amendment I--The five freedoms: Freedom of religion, Freedom of speech, Freedom of press, Freedom of assembly, Freedom to petition


Amendment II--The Right to Bear Arms


Amendment III--No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner to be prescribed by law.


Amendment IV--NO unreasonable search and seizures, a specific warrant is



Amendment V--The accused must be indicted, no double jeopardy- Cannot be charged for the same crime twice, due process of law- fair and equal treatment under the law


Amendment VI--Criminal Cases: Right to a fair trial, right to a speedy trial, right to a lawyer, right to confront witnesses and evidence against, right to know nature and cause of accusation.


Amendment VII--Civil Cases: Right to a trial in civil cases


Amendment VIII--No cruel or unusual punishment


Amendment IX--Rights reserved to the people


Amendment X--Rights reserved to the sates


As we contemplate these rights, I wish to emphasize one additional point: Our HEAVENLY FATHER is the GUARANTOR of these rights and we should acknowledge HIS SOVEREIGNTY OVER HEAVEN AND EARTH.


Richard Dodson

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